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Top 5 tips to make your home beautiful

Today on the 11th June we celebrate National "Make Life Beautiful Day", today is dedicated to encourage, celebrate and support everyone who in their own way,is making their life beautiful.

Here at Cookes we believe a house is a home, and to make a home truly feel like your own is have beauty all around it. So here we want to share with you what we think our top 5 tips to make your home beautiful.


1. Declutter Dining


This may feel like an exhausting task but once you've done it you will feel so much better. So where do you begin?, try asking yourself questions like this: Have you used it in the past year? Are you holding onto this for sentimental value?

Do I have a similar item that serves the same purpose? If i were shopping right now would I buy this? The most important thing is to be realistic and strict with yourself of what you actually need to keep.


2. J'Adore your Boudoir Bedroom

Your bedroom should be your haven, your relaxing space where you can wind down after a long day.To ensure this you need to set the right tone and mood for when you enter your bedroom, make it a paradisewith a few cushions, a cosy throw and scented candles for ambient lighting.

When you leave for the day, tryto leave your room the same way you would like to enter your room. Make a concious effort to make your bedroom inviting and lastly ensuring you have invested in a decent bed, this way you can recharge your batteries and are able to rejuvenate.


3. Comfort is key


Whether it's your bed, sofa or dining room chair it is essential that regardless of where you are in your house that you are comfortable and when you are at home you feel like you can truly relax and feel happy in your own abode.

It is also important for when friends and family come round that you feel content with people visiting.


4. Lighting


Lighting can have such a huge impact on making a house more homely and here is why: it allows you to set the ambience dependent on your mood. You can control where and how your lights work in your room, in most cases houses and apartments provide the most simplistic constructed lighting of a single overhead bulb.

This inexpensive change can not only give you a variety of options to choose from but also can help you create that soft lighting enabling you to unwind.


5. Invest in a Kitchen and Bathroom

Two things in your house that we think you shouldn't cut a corner on is your kitchen and bathroom, by choosing the right design they can be timeless and last decades. One of the biggest tips would be to go neutral, you can add personality through accessories and colour.


To find out more visit us in store or call us on 0121 250 5050 and one of our friendly sales advisors will be happy to help.



11th June 2017

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