Christchurch Showroom Tour

Explore our extensive collections of Sofas, Dining, Beds and Bedroom furniture
in our Christchurch Showroom, virtually, from the comfort of your home before visiting us.
We have created a 360° view of our entire showroom, so you can browse our furniture collections at your convenience.
Just click on the play button below and you can walk through our beautiful showroom!
We have highlighted some areas of our showroom to showcase key brands, just click on the round grey dots for more details.
Three Floors of Stunning Furniture Displays
Cookes have three floors of stunning furniture displays, offering hundreds of collections of Living, Dining, Beds and Bedroom Furniture for you to choose from.
From contemporary, design-led, stylish furniture, to more traditional, classic style displays. You will be sure to find your perfect piece, to suit you and your home.

Living Collections
Explore our huge selection of stunning Living Room Furniture,
Sofas, Chairs, Recliners & Occasional Furniture
Dining Collections
Explore our huge selection of stylish Dining Furniture,
Tables, Chairs, Bar Tables & Stools and Occasional Pieces.
Beds and Bedroom Collections
Explore our huge selection of beautiful Beds, Mattresses,
Bedframes, Bedroom Furniture and Wardrobes